VAIO Slimtop™ LCD Computer User Guide
To change the settings of the PPKs
From the Start menu, point to Programs, point to VAIO Action Setup, and
then click VAIO Action Setup.
Click the PPK you want to change.
From the Select Application dialog box, click the option for the desired
function. The corresponding applications appear in the list box on the right.
The Confirmation Application Name window appears and displays the
application you have selected. Click Next.
The Input Application Name window appears. You can type a new name and
description, if desired. Click Finish.
Internal Timer
The VAIO Action Setup software allows you to set your computer’s internal
timer to launch certain applications automatically.
You can also double-click in the Windows taskbar to open VAIO Action Setup.
You may also use the drag-and-drop feature to place any application into the list box.
Some software applications take longer than others to launch. It is advisable to
confirm in advance the amount of time your selected application takes to start.