
Freedom to print photos when you want, how you want.
Most people already have a way of printing photos – ranging from local copy shops, online solutions, photo labs and
in-house laser or inkjet printers. Be honest - you’re always compromising something aren’t you? It either takes a late night
to upload all your photos to the online service and a few days to get the photos delivered, prints that don’t do justice to
the photos, or paying extra to have your photos ready the same day. Well, those compromises are a thing of the past.
Ideal for schools and offices, government agencies, designers, architects and estate agencies, Sony gives you professional
quality prints, from your desk or workspace, and helps you get the best of all possible worlds. Fast, high quality photos in
seconds, not days, and in the format you need. Our printers are affordable investments with a low price-per-print, and truly
simple to use and maintain.