Menu List
Chapter 6 Menu and Detailed Settings
Makes settings related
to audio.
CH3&4 AGC Mode Mono/Stereo For automatic adjustment of the
input level of analog audio signals
recorded on channels 3 and 4,
specifies whether to make the
adjustments separately for each
channel (Mono) or in stereo mode
AGC Spec –6dB/–9dB/–12dB/
Selects the AGC saturation level.
Limiter Mode Off/–6dB/–9dB/–12dB/
For manual audio level adjustments,
selects the saturation level for the
limiter applied to loud input signals.
Select Off if you do not wish to use
the limiter.
Output Limiter On/Off Turns the audio output limiter on or
CH1 Wind Filter On/Off Turns the channel 1 wind filter on or
CH2 Wind Filter On/Off Turns the channel 2 wind filter on or
CH3 Wind Filter On/Off Turns the channel 3 wind filter on or
CH4 Wind Filter On/Off Turns the channel 4 wind filter on or
Audio SG (1KHz) On/Off/Auto Selects whether to output (On) or
not output (Off) a 1 kHz test signal
in color bar mode.
Auto: Output a test signal only
CH1 switch is set to AUTO.
MIC CH1 Level Side1/Front/Front+Side1 For recording input audio from the
front microphone on channel 1,
selects the knob that adjusts the
audio level.
Side1: The LEVEL knob (left) on
the side panel
Front: The MIC LEVEL control on
the front panel
Front+Side1: Adjust with both the
LEVEL knob (left) and the
MIC LEVEL control.
MIC CH2 Level Side2/Front/Front+Side2 For recording input audio from the
front microphone on channel 2,
selects the knob that adjusts the
audio level.
Side2: The LEVEL knob (right) on
the side panel
Front: The MIC LEVEL control on
the front panel
Front+Side2: Adjust with both the
LEVEL knob (right) and the
MIC LEVEL control.
Menu items Sub-item Settings Description