Joystick 21
adjusting the key position 105
advanced operations 104
border 105
chroma key 81
clean mode 104
copying 135
downstream key 77
edge (border) 83
fine key 105
independent key transition 86
inserting and deleteing keys 80
linear key 77
luminance key 77
M/E key 77
masking 84
moving a key over or under 85
pattern key 82
selecting a key fill 79
selecting a key source 78
show key 110
Key Active 106
Key border 105
2-color borders 105
maximum border widths 105
separate border widths 105
KEY button 15
Key disable 124
Key memory 110
Key menu 173
Key priority 85
Key setup 173
Key Source menu 105
KEY1 ON/KEY2 ON button 17, 18
Keyboard window 36
Left button 37
License menu 162
Lighting 100
Luminance processing 115
M/E cross-point control block 12
M/E Key 77
M/E key transition control block 18
M/E transition control block 16
Macro 127
creating 127
deleting 132
editing 131
recalling and executing 129
saving 132
Macro attachment 132
Macro control block 23
Macro menu 175
Magnitude 96
Main menu
effects 58, 61, 64
key 77
Manual Install menu 161
Mask/border processing order 174
Masking 84
color correction 114
Mask menu 109
shapes and positions 109
transforming a pattern 110
Memory recall buttons 20
“Memory Stick” 24
“Memory Stick” slot 24
“Memory Stick” status indicator 24
accessing by double clicking 26
accessing by single clicking 28
accessing from the top menu 25
basic menu operations 39
basic screen 29
exiting 42
icons 32
interpreting buttons 31
interpreting menu screens 29
menu page number button 29
selecting by entering page
numbers 40
selecting by navigating the menu
tree 39
selecting from the display history
selecting functions 40
setting parameters 40
Menu control block 23
Menu switch buttons 30
Menu title buttons 30
Mix 54
MKS-2010 8
MKS-2015 8
MKS-2017 8
MKS-2050 8
MKS-2110M 8
MKS-2420M 8
MKS-2440 8
MKS-2470 7, 8
MKS-2700 8
MKS-8050 8
MKS-8080 8, 151
MKS-8082 8, 151
MKS-8700 8
Mode selection buttons 20
Modify (Ptn No.0001-0999) menu 95
Modifying video borders 66
Soft Edge/Soft Border 68
Modulation 96
Multi 96
NAM (non-additive mix) 60
Names and functions of parts 9
Next transition
selecting 55
selection buttons 17
Non-sync state 74
Non-transition effect 60
Normal execution mode 130
Numeric display 19
Numeric keypad window 33
1 M/E panel 10
1.5 M/E panel 10
1.5 M/E wide panel 10
Operation menu 156
Options 8
entering an installation key 163
Outline 83
Output 167
Output Assign menu 155
Output Clip menu 167
Output Crop menu 169
Output signal assignment 155
Output signal setup 167
Output video processing 118
OVER indicators 17
Overview 7
Page number input window 38
Pair number 158
Panel GPI Input menu 178
Panel maintenance 164
Panel menu 164
Parameter buttons 30
Parameter group 41
Parameters, setting 40
Pattern key 82
transforming the pattern 109
Pattern Key menu 109
Pattern position and size
changing from menus 64
changing with the joystick 64
Pause event 127
PGM/PST cross-point control block
PGM/PST transition control block 17
Phase adjustments through mode
setting 166
Plane function 106