Enjoying movies recorded with the HD (high definition)
image quality
B Viewing movies on a HD (high definition) TV
(p. 44)
You can enjoy movies with HD (high definition)
image quality, with the same image quality as they
were recorded.
B Viewing movies on a non-HD (high
definition) TV (p. 45)
You can enjoy movies recorded with HD (high
definition) image quality, but they will be converted to SD (standard definition) image
z Tips
• You can consult the [TV CONNECT Guide] (p. 43) displayed on the screen on connecting your TV
and camcorder.
B Playing discs on AVCHD format compatible devices (p. 60)
If your device is compatible with AVCHD format, you can play a disc with HD (high
definition) image quality on the device.
Important notice regarding discs recorded in the AVCHD format
• This camcorder captures high definition footage in the AVCHD format. DVD media
containing AVCHD footage should not be used with DVD based players or recorders, as
the DVD player/recorder may fail to eject the media and may erase its contents without
warning. DVD media containing AVCHD footage may be played on a compatible Blu-ray
™ player/recorder or other compatible device.
B Dubbing disc contents by connecting your
camcorder to a DVD device (p. 53)
The dubbed images will be recorded with SD (standard
definition) image quality.
B Editing the disc on a computer (p. 86)
Using a computer, you can edit or copy images recorded
with HD (high definition) image quality. Install the
supplied application software on the computer in advance.