Select the color from [White], [Red] or [Yellow]. (The default setting is [White].)
Select the peaking sensitivity from [High], [Mid] or [Low]. (The default setting is [Mid].)
The enhanced outlines may not appear in a dark location.
The enhanced outlines will not be recorded on the image.
[126] How to Use
Menu operations Camera/Mic
Camera Data Disp.
Select which setting values to display.
1. - [Camera/Mic] - [ Shooting Assist] - [Camera Data Disp.] - desired setting.
Displays only setting values you can adjust manually.
On (default setting):
Displays all setting values always.
[127] How to Use Menu operations Camera/Mic
Audio Level Display
You can select whether or not to display the audio level meter. Shape of the audio level meter
differs depending on the [Audio Mode] setting.
1. - [Camera/Mic] - [ Shooting Assist] - [Audio Level Display] - desired setting.
Descriptions of menu items
On (default setting):
Displays audio level meter.