Chapter 6 File Operations
6-3 FTP File Operations
STRU Specifies the data structure. STRU <SP> <structure-code> <CRLF>
<structure-code> can be any of the following. However, for
XDCAM, the structure is always “F,” regardless of the
structure-code specification.
• F: File structure (default)
• R: Record structure
• P: Page structure
Input example: STRU F
MODE Specifies the transfer mode. MODE <SP> <mode-code> <CRLF>
<mode-code> can be any of the following. However, for
XDCAM, the mode is always “S,” regardless of the mode-
code specification.
• S: Stream mode (default)
• B: Block mode
• C: Compressed mode
Input example: MODE S
LIST Sends a list of files from this unit to the
remote computer.
LIST <SP> <options> <SP> <path-name> <CRLF>
<options> can be any of the following.
• -a: Also display file names that begin with “.”
• -F: Append “/” to directory names.
The following data is transferred, depending on whether
<path-name> specifies a directory or file.
• Directory specified: A list of the files in the specified
• File specified: Information about the specified file
• No specification: A list of the files in the current directory.
The wildcard characters “*” (any string) and “?” (any
character) may be used in <path-name>.
Input example 1: LIST -a Clip
Input example 2: LIST Clip/*.MXF
NLST Sends a list of file names from this unit
to the remote computer, with no other
NLST <SP> <options or path-name> <CRLF>
The following options may be specified when no path name
is specified.
• -a: Also display file names that begin with “.”
• -l: Display information other than file name (gives the same
result as the LIST command).
• -F: Append “/” to directory names.
The following data is transferred, depending on whether
<path-name> specifies a directory or file.
• Directory specified: A list of the file names only in the
specified directory
• No specification: A list of the file names only in the current
The wildcard characters “*” (any string) and “?” (any
character) may be used in <path-name>.
Input example 1: NLST l
Input example 2: NLST Clip/*.MXF
RETR Begins transfer of a copy of a file in the
specified path on this unit to the current
directory on the remote computer.
RETR <SP> <path-name> <CRLF>
Input example: RETR Clip/C0001.MXF
Command name Description Command syntax