
If you do not know a nutritional value for a particular component
of a food, press the "MR" key until five horizontal dashes appear in
the display.
Pressing the key once more will confirm the nutritional value in the
After entering all of the nutritional values, the required food is
programmed. In this way you can edit the values for the pre-
programmed foods in the diet computer to suit your requirements.
When entering new nutritional values the "BE" and "kJ" keys must
not be pressed, since the programme reverts to factor switch mode.
By pressing the "INP" key you can end the input mode at any time.
Accuracy of manual inputs
Value Input
Carbohydrates 3g 3.00
Protein 4.329g 4.33
Fat 5.2g 5.20
Kcal 25 25
Chol 21mg 21.00
Please ensure
that all digits –
the decimal
places – are
always entered
when making
manual inputs.
Battery change: If the battery symbol appears in the display, the battery
should be changed. Open the battery compartment, remove the battery
from its holder with a pen and slide a new battery into the holder.
Please ensure that old batteries are always disposed of correctly!
Maximum weight: If your scales have been loaded beyond their
weighing capacity, five horizontal dashes appear in the upper segment
of the display.
Error messages: If five horizontal dashes appear in the middle segment
of the display, no values have been determined for the food concerned.
Test display: If the display no longer switches over to weighing mode,
the diet computer should be switched off briefly and turned back
on again, or the battery removed and refitted after approximately
ten seconds.