2.3 Zeroing
Press the zeroing key to correct minor deviations from zero, e.g. caused by
soiling on the scale.
Zero range calibratable and non calibratable:
-1 to +3% of the weighing range.
If zeroing is not possible, the error message "Above zero range limit" or "Below
zero range limit" appears for two seconds in the display.
Zero tracking
Zero tracking automatically corrects minor deviations in the zero display.
2.4 x10 display
Shows the weight value with an additional decimal point at ten times the
Press the function change key (F>) to switch to the Setting Functions level.
Press F2 (x10).
Calibratable scale
If the scale is calibrated as calibratable, the ten times resolution is displayed as
long as you hold down the x10 key.
When you release the key, the x10 display is disabled after 5 seconds.
Non calibratable scale
If the scale is calibrated as non calibratable, the ten times resolution appears
constantly in the display. Press the key once to enable the ten times resolution
function. Press the key again to disable the ten times resolution function.
2.5 Gross display
Displays the gross weight when the scale is tared.
Press the function change key (F>) to switch to the Setting Functions level.
Press F1 Gross.
The display indicates the gross weight and the message "Gross" as long as you
hold down the key.
Gross X 10 Unit Program
Gross X 10 Unit Program
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