HS Models
Table 1. Masonry Vitreous Tile-Lined Chimney (not metal lined)
himneys not exposed to the outdoors below the roof line. (5" dia. vent adapter must be used)
Natural Draft Chimney and Type “B” Venting Tables
dditional National Fuel Gas Code
Boiler Gas Appliance Reference Table No.*
Model(s) † in Venting System Connector Requirements*
(ANSI Z223.1)
VHS-90 No Type “B” 1. Connector diameter must be upsized to 7".
VHS-120 2. Chimney height limits: Min. 15 ft., Max. 30 ft.
VHS-150 3. Lateral length restriction applies
(Table 10-3)
10-3 (1999 edition)
VHS-180 4. Internal area of chimney: Min. 50 sq. in.,
Max. 269 sq. in.
VHS-180 No Single-wall 1. Connector diameter must be upsized to 7".
2. Chimney height limits: Min. 15 ft., Max. 30 ft.
3. Max. lateral length may not exceed 2 ft. 10-4 (1999 edition)
4. Internal area of chimney: Min. 50 sq. in.,
Max. 269 sq. in.
VHS-90 Yes Type “B” 1. See Table 10-8 for chimney height
VHS-120 and connector length restrictions. 10-8 (1999 edition)
VHS-150 2. Connector may have to be upsized to 6" diameter
VHS-180 to meet requirement of 10-8.
VHS-150 Yes Single-wall 1. See Table 10-9 for chimney height
VHS-180 and connector length restrictions. 10-9 (1999 edition)
2. Connector may have to be upsized to 6" diameter
to meet requirement of 10-9.
Additional National Fuel Gas Code
Boiler Gas Appliance Reference Table No.*
Model(s) † in Venting System Connector Requirements*
(ANSI Z223.1)
VHS-90 No Type “B” See Table 10-1 for minimum and maximum
VHS-120 of vent height and lateral length restriction.
VHS-150 10-1 (1999 edition)
VHS-90 No Single-wall See Table 10-2 for minimum and maximum
VHS-120 of vent height and lateral length restriction.
VHS-150 10-2 (1999 edition)
VHS-90 Yes Type “B” 1. See Table 10-6 for vent height and
VHS-120 connector length restrictions.
VHS-150 2. Connector and vent diameter may have to be 10-6 (1999 edition)
VHS-180 increased to 6" or 7" to meet requirement of
le 10-6.
VHS-120 Yes Single-wall 1. See Table 10-7 for vent height and
VHS-150 connector length restrictions.
VHS-180 2. Connector and vent diameter may have to be 10-7 (1999 edition)
increased to 6" to meet requirement of
Table 10-7.
Table 2. Type “B” Venting and Metal-Lined Masonry Chimney
UL LISTED MATERIALS ONLY. (5" dia. vent adapter must be used)
† Only Victory II boiler models shown for each application permitted to be installed in that manner specified.
• Also see Z223.1 –– 1999 Chapter 7 and 10.