Bobcat Model B-120A and B-200A
Description & Temperature Display
Boiler is on stand-by mode.
Temperature display shows supply water Temp.
Space heating mode.
Temperature display shows supply water Temp.
Domestic hot water mode.
Temperature display shows supply waterTemp.
Frost protection mode.**
Temperature display shows supply water Temp.
Lockout (Alarm) condition.
Temperature Display indicates the lockout code
Reset button must be pressed to resume normal operation.
Error Condition. *
Temperature display indicates the error code.
Warning Condition. ***
Temperature display indicates the error code.
Bobcat Boiler Display Board
“Boiler Operation Status”
Blinking dot on “Mode Display” indicates active heating control, burner off. Steady dot
indicates burner is on.
*: Error must be corrected to resume boiler operation. Pressing the “Reset” button is not
**: The boiler circulator is energized, when boiler water temperature drops below 50˚F.
***: Error must be corrected to resume DHW operation. Space heating not affected.
Pressing the “Reset” button is not required.
Table 1