Synchronizing the transmitter with a receiver
Synchronizing transmitters with receivers – multi-channel operation
Network operation
using the WSM
In multi-channel operation, the transmitters are remote controlled via a PC running the
“Wireless Systems Manager” (WSM) software.
̈ Connect your transmitters and your PC in a network (see page 12).
̈ Switch your transmitters and your PC on.
̈ Launch the “Wireless Systems Manager” (WSM) software.
̈ To set up your multi-channel system, proceed as described in the instruction manual of
the “Wireless Systems Manager” (WSM) software.
Operation without
̈ Carry out the Easy Setup Sync function and then, for each transmission link, the Sync
function (
see page 15).
The frequencies of the selected frequency presets must be approved and legal in your
country (see above).
You can also freely select the frequencies and store these frequencies in the frequency banks
“U1” to “U6”.
If you want to use the frequency banks “U1” to “U6”:
̈ Make sure to use transmitters and receivers from the same frequency range (see page 4
and the type plates of the devices).
̈ Only use frequencies that are approved and legal in your country (see page 21).
̈ Set each transmitter to the same frequency bank.
̈ On one of the transmitters, select a channel within this frequency bank (see page 20).
̈ Assign this channel one of the calculated transmission frequencies (see page 20).
̈ Synchronize a receiver with your transmitter ( ,
see page 15
̈ Manually set the receiver to the same frequency bank, channel and frequency that you
set on the transmitter.
̈ Repeat for the remaining transmitters and receivers as described above.
Stereo Transmitter
Stereo Transmitter
Stereo Transmitter
Stereo Transmitter
Advantages of controlling the transmitters via the “Wireless Systems Manager”
(WSM) software:
• Detailed overview of all transmission and receiving channels
• Remote control of all transmitters in the network
• Combination of transmitters of different frequency ranges (see page 4)
To ensure that the desired frequencies are intermodulation-free:
̈ Contact your Sennheiser partner (see www.sennheiser.com).