ADN CU1 | 13
Configuring the conference system
Display Function of the menu item Option/display
“Main Menu”
“Conference” Calls up the “Conference” submenu –
“Audio” Calls up the “Audio” submenu –
“System” Calls up the “System” submenu –
“Languages” Adjusts the language “Deutsch”, “English”,
“Settings” Calls up the “Settings” submenu –
“Conference” menu
“Conference Mode” Adjusts the conference mode
“Direct Access” and “Override”: These two conference modes do not
require the use of a chairman unit. If the maximum number of speakers
who can take the floor simultaneously has not been reached, a further
speaker can take the floor immediately.
“Request”: For this mode to function, a chairman unit is required.
The chairman receives requests to speak and grants speaking privileges
according to the FIFO principle (First In – First Out), i.e. the participant
with the longest waiting time is granted speaking privileges.
“Direct Access”,
“Override” or “Request”
“Microphone Limit” Sets the maximum number of speakers who can take the floor simulta-
neously in “Direct Access” and “Override” mode
“1” ... “10”
“Request Limit” Sets the maximum number of requests to speak in “Request” and
“Direct Access” mode
“0” ... “10”
“Talk Time Status” Activates/deactivates the speaking time limit “On“/“Off”
“Talk Time Limit” Sets the speaking time limit “01” ... “60”
in steps of 1 minute
“Premonition Time
Sets the advance warning time (warns speakers that they are
approaching the end of the individual speaking time)
“00” ... “120”
in steps of 10 seconds
“Reaction on
Talktime Exceed”
Determines the behavior when the individual speaking time is exceeded
“Continue”: The individual speaking time is continued.
“Cancel”: The individual speaking time is terminated.
“Blink on Request” Activates/deactivates the flashing of the signal light ring when a
request to speak is made
“Re-Init” Re-initializes the conference units
If you connect chairman units to the conference system during a running
conference, you have to re-initialize them. When conference units are
re-initialized, the conference will be interrupted.
“Clear Request List
on Cancel”
Sets the function of the priority key of the chairman unit
Setting “On”: Pressing the priority key deactivates all delegate units.
All requests to speak are deleted.
Setting “Off”: Pressing the priority key deactivates all currently active
delegate units. All requests to speak are retained.
KA_ADN-CU1_535358_0211_SP13.book Seite 13 Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011 12:43 12