Warranty and Maintenance Agn'eement
Kenmore Laundry Center is engineered,
manufactured and tested for yearsof dependr
able operation. Yet, any precision machine
may require service from time to time. A
Sears Maintenance Agreement relieves you
completely of undue inconvenience and un-
expected repair bills. It
• Extendsmechanical adjustment and service
on a new Kenmore LaundryCenter beyond
the wananty period.
• Includes all parts and lalmr at no addi-
tional cost.
• Covers all service calls and necessary
repairs any-time for the enth-eperiod of the
Maintermnce Agreement.
• Provides a complete Prevention Mainte-
nance check during the las* month of the
Maintenance Agreement, at your request
and convenience.., as listed.
• Complete operational check of switches
and valves.
• Operation check of Timer settings.
• Check belts for wear and tension.
• Check all moving parts and oil leaks, and
lubricate as required.
• Check electrical system.
• Check pump and hoses.
• Check operation of timer, door switch and
• Check leveling and balance mechanisms.
• Check dispensers.
• Check elements and connections.
• Clean base and motor as needed, and check
drum seal.
• Inspect exhaust systems.
This tmlixnited coverage is available for only
pennies a day. Let your Se_s Sdes or Service
Technician explain all the benefits of a Scars
Maintenance Agreement.
Sears ,,e_dce ts nationwide....
Your Ker_more Laundry C_nter takes on new
value when you discover that Sears has
serviceus'fits around the o_untz_' using fuUy-
equip[_i trucks and staffe_d by Sears-trained
techni,:i_as. These are Se_wice Professionals
who back up all Sears warranties. These pro-
fessionat; me Seart_ pproved methods for
expert r,.-pairs to fulfill the pledge: "We
Service What We Sell."
If you need SERVICE or PARTS for your Kenmore Laundry Center
Be ready to give your Sears Service Center the model number, _ number, and date of purchase. The model and serial numbers
of your Kenmore Lalmdry Center are found inside the dryer door.
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