1. Push the stem of the Dipole Antenna (acces-
sory) into the hole for antenna at the back of
2. Connect the flat twin-lead cable from the Di-
pole Antenna to the 300/75 ohm Matching
Adapter (accessory).
3. Plug the Matching Adapter to ANT terminal of
TV/VCR as shown in drawing.
For the best reception, extend the Dipole Antenna
and adjust its length and position. (Avoid han-
dling the top section when making adjustments).
Dipole Antenna
Flat twin-lead Cable
Matching Adapter
1. Connect the 300-ohm flat twin-lead cable trom
an outdoor UHF antenna to the VHF/UHF
Combiner (not supplied).
2. Connect a round type 75 ohm coaxial cable
from an outdoor VHF antenna to the
VHF/UHF Combiner (not supplied).
3. Plug the VHF/UHF combiner to ANT terminal
of TV/VCR as shown in drawing.
VHF Antenna UHF Antenna
Round type
Coaxial Cable
VHF/UHF Combiner
(Not supplieO__ !
Flat twin-lead Cable
• If it is difficult to get good reception with the
indoor antenna, the use of an outdoor antenna
is recommended. Before an outdoor antenna is
connected to the set, the indoor antenna should
be disconnected.
• The optional combiner can be purchased from
your local retail electronics store. Consult as-
alesperson for assistance.
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A VHF UHF 75 ohm combination antenna can be
connected to ANT terminal.
Combination Antenna