
If you fall forward when kneeling, move your weights toward your
If you use integrated weights, put part of them on a belt on your back
to prevent falling forward.
CATHY’S TIP 3: Get close for better color
Use wide add-on lenses or the widest zoom setting to allow you to
get close to medium and large subjects.
Use close-up lenses or close-focusing cameras to fill the frame with
small subjects.
Know the minimum focus distance of the camera and get as close
as possible to any subject that does not move away.
Use the telephoto zoom as little as possible, and only for those sub-
jects that will not allow you to get close.
CATHY’S TIP 4: Aim the strobe correctly
Things look closer underwater than they really are. Subjects four feet
away will look like they are only three feet away. Don’t let it fool you—
aim your strobe beyond the false (apparent) image that you see.