DISTANCE Displays the total distance traveled.
CALORIES Displays total calories burned.
WAT TS Displays the average watts.
HEART RATE: Displays your average heart rate.
Pressing the RESET button will bring you back to
“ENTER PROGRAM.” After 60 seconds, the console will
automatically return to “ENTER PROGRAM.”
IMPORTANT Things You Should Know Before
The values calculated or measured by the computer are for
exercise reference purposes only, NOT FOR MEDICAL
Pulse rate—The pulse rate will display after the system has
detected four stable pulse signals. Pulse rate is then updated
after receiving every two signals.
Please note: If your heart rate goes above 199, the “1” will
fl ash. So a heart rate of 224 will be displayed as “124”, and
the “1” will be fl ashing.
Pulse rate readout—While the grip heart rate feature is a
quick and convenient way to check your heart rate, it is
generally not as accurate as a wireless transmitter belt and is
subject to occasional misreadings and interference. You may
from time to time fi nd inconsistencies with the heart rate
display on your display console.
There are many external factors that can affect the heart rate
display. Some factors that infl uence the reliability of the
heart rate signal include:
■ the environment where the equipment is used,
■ the physiology of the users themselves, and
■ Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) produced by such
items as televisions, computers, microwave ovens,
cellular and cordless telephones, and fl uorescent lights.
By moving the product away from such items, you may be
able to avoid many heart rate display problems.
Resistance control—You can control the resistance of
your elliptical trainer by using the UP or DOWN buttons.
You increase the resistance by pressing the UP button or