Reverse Image
Command Structure <ESC>(aaaa,bbbb
a = Horizontal length in dots of reverse image area
b = Vertical height in dots of reverse image area.
See Note 6 for field ranges
Example: <ESC>(100,50
Placement: This command must be preceded by all other data and be
placed just before <ESC>Q
Default: None
Command Function To reverse an image area from black to white and vice versa. Use the
Print Position commands (<ESC>H and <ESC>V) to locate the top
left corner of the reverse image area.
Input to Printer
<ESC>H0250<ESC>V0300<ES C>L0202<ESC>WL1HALF
Printer Output
Section 4. Programming Reference
SATOCT SeriesPrinters9001069A Page4-65