Unit 1: PCL Emulation
SATO D512 PCL Programming Manual Page 1-15
(s#B (primary)
)s#B (secondary)
-7 Ultra Thin
-6 Extra Thin
-5 Thin
-4 Extra Light
-3 Light
-2 Demi Light
-1 Semi Light
0 Medium (Default)
1 Semi Bold
2 Demi Bold
3 Bold
4 Extra Bold
5 Black
6 Extra Black
7 Ultra Black
Select Stroke Weight
Selects a font with a particular thickness.
Note: This command will not alter the stroke weight of an available font.
See Table1 in this section “Forward and Backward Compatibility Font
Selection Commands” for the stroke weight variations available for the
resident fonts.
(s#T (primary)
)s#T (secondary)
# Typeface identifier (0 - 65535)
Note: For a list of typeface numbers, see Table 1 in
this section: “Forward and Backward Compatibility
Font Selection Commands.” See “Font and Symbol
Set Support” on page 4.
Select Typeface
Selects the best fit font design.
(#X (primary)
)#X (secondary)
# = Font ID (0 - 32767)
Select Font by Font ID
Selects the font by the identification number.
(3@ (primary)
)3@ (secondary)
Select Default Font
Sets all font selection characteristics to the Default Font.
# = number of data of bytes to print as text
Transparent Print Data
This command is only supported when used to enter data to be encoded
in a Maxicode barcode.
0,1 Fixed
2 Fixed - double
4 Floating - double
Select Underline Type (Enable)
• Fixed underline is drawn 5 pels below cursor position.
• Floating underline position is determined by all the positions of the
characters with descenders in the fonts that are to be underlined.
• Underline thickness is 1/100 inch. Double underline is not supported
and will be printed as a single underline.
&d@ Underline - Disable
Table 1-8: Font Selection (continued)
Command / Parameters Function / Result