Advanced Mode Setup
An Advanced Mode is provided to make adjustments that require only occasional
adjustments. Since they affect the basic operation of the printer, the procedure for
entering this mode is designed to prevent someone from accidently changing the
To enter the Advanced Mode, the printer is powered on while pressing the LINE
key. The printer will “beep” one time and display the first configuration selection on
the LCD panel.
From the Advanced Mode display, the Advanced settings are accessed in sequence by
pressing the FEED key.
Zero Slash Setting
This setting determines if a zero is printed with a slash or without a slash. This setting
can also be controlled via software commands. When YES is selected, the U, S, M,
WB, WL, XU, XS, XM, XB, XL and vector fonts will have a slash through the center of
the zero character.
1. Use the LINE key to step the underline cusor to either the YES or NO selection.
2. Once the correct setting is underlined, pressing the FEED key will accept the
setting and advance the display to the Auto Online display.
Auto Online Setting
This setting determines the mode in which the printer powers up. If the YES selection
is made, the printer powers up in the ON LINE mode and is ready to print. If NO is
selected, the printer powers up in the OFF LINE mode and must be manually placed
in the ON LINE mode by pressing the LINE key before it is ready to print.
1. Use the LINE key to step the underline to either the YES or NO selection.
2. Once the correct setting is underlined, pressing the FEED key will accept the
setting and advance the display to the Vertical Offset display.
Section 2. Installation and Configuration
SATOCL Series Printers9001035 Rev. EPage 2-29