
Data Set Options for Relational
Overview of Data Set Options for Relational Databases
Overview of Data Set Options for Relational Databases
You can specify SAS/ACCESS data set options on a SAS data set when you access
DBMS data with the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement. A data set option applies
only to the data set on which it is specified, and it remains in effect for the duration of
the DATA step or procedure. (See “LIBNAME Options for Relational Databases” on
page 68 for options that can be assigned to a
group of relational DBMS tables or views.)
For example, SAS/ACCESS data set options can be used as follows:
libname myoralib oracle;
proc print myoralib.mytable(data-set-option=value)
You can also use SAS/ACCESS data set options on a SAS data set when you access
DBMS data using “Descriptors with the ACCESS Procedure” on page 309. For example:
proc print mylib.myviewd(data-set-option=value)
Most data set options cannot be used on a PROC SQL DROP (table or view) statement.
You can use the CNTLLEV=, DROP=, FIRSTOBS=, IN=, KEEP=, OBS=, RENAME=,
and WHERE= SAS data set options when you access DBMS data. The REPLACE= SAS
data set option is not supported by SAS/ACCESS interfaces. For information about
using SAS data set options, refer to the SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
Each section in this chapter explains one dataset option. The information includes
DBMS support, the corresponding LIBNAME options, and references you to the
documentation for your SAS/ACCESS interface when appropriate. The documentation
for your SAS/ACCESS interface lists the data set options that are available for your
DBMS and provides their default values.
Note: Specifying data set options in PROC SQL might reduce performance, because
it prevents operations from being passed to the DBMS for processing. For more
information, see “Overview of Optimizing Your SQL Usage” on page 33.
AUTHID= Data Set Option
Enables you to qualify the specified table with an authorization ID, user ID, or group ID
Valid in: DATA and PROC steps (when accessing DBMS data using SAS/ACCESS