Play Games
Discover hundreds of games for download and purchase
through the Google Play Store.
Visit play.google.com/store/apps/category/GAME
to learn
Note: This app requires a Google Account.
Ⅲ Touch Play Games.
Play Music
With Google Play Music, you can play music you’ve
downloaded, and music you copied from your computer.
Visit play.google.com/about/music
to learn more.
Note: This app requires a Google Account for some features.
Ⅲ Touch Play Music.
Play Newsstand
Play Newsstand brings you free and paid news, magazine
subscriptions, and much more all in one place.
Visit play.google.com/store/newsstand
to learn more.
Note: This app requires a Google Account.
Ⅲ Touch Play Newsstand.
Play Store
All your favorite apps, movies and tv shows, music, books,
magazines, and games are available in Google Play Store.
Visit play.google.com/store
to learn more.
Note: This app requires a Google Account.
Ⅲ Touch Play Store.