As you write, suggestions are offered in the word options
area in case the correct letters were not recognized.
Handwriting settings:
1. While entering text using the Handwriting feature, tap
Handwriting tips:
the top of the screen and swipe downward to display
For uppercase letters, write the letter larger than the
lowercase letters.
the Notifications Panel.
2. Tap
Select input method
Write a dash (horizontal line) to add a space.
3. Tap
Set up input methods
, then tap next to
Delete words by sweeping backward across them.
Samsung keyboard to display Samsung keyboard
To display numbers and symbols, tap and then tap a number
or symbol key. Tap the button marked 1/2 or 2/2 to see more
4. Tap
symbols and emoticons. Tap to exit the numbers and symbols
For more information, refer to “Configuring the
Samsung Keyboard” on page 156.
To return to the Samsung keyboard,
tap (
5. Tap (
) repeatedly to return to your message.
Closing the Keyboard
Tap (
) to close the keyboard.
Understanding Your Device 41