BXOR dst,src.b
BXOR dst.b,src
Operation: dst(0) ← dst(0) XOR src(b)
dst(b) ← dst(b) XOR src(0)
The specified bit of the source (or the destination) is logically exclusive-ORed with bit zero (LSB) of
the destination (or the source). The result bit is stored in the specified bit of the destination. No
other bits of the destination are affected. The source is unaffected.
Flags: C: Unaffected.
Z: Set if the result is "0"; cleared otherwise.
S: Cleared to "0".
V: Undefined.
D: Unaffected.
H: Unaffected.
Bytes Cycles Opcode
Addr Mode
dst src
opc dst | b | 0 src 3 6 27 r0 Rb
opc src | b | 1 dst 3 6 27 Rb r0
NOTE: In the second byte of the 3-byte instruction format, the destination (or the source) address is four
bits, the bit address "b" is three bits, and the LSB address value is one bit in length.
Examples: Given: R1 = 07H (00000111B) and register 01H = 03H (00000011B):
BXOR R1,01H.1 → R1 = 06H, register 01H = 03H
BXOR 01H.2,R1 → Register 01H = 07H, R1 = 07H
In the first example, the destination working register R1 has the value 07H (00000111B) and the
source register 01H has the value 03H (00000011B). The statement "BXOR R1,01H.1" exclusive-
ORs bit one of the register 01H (the source) with bit zero of R1 (the destination). The result bit value
is stored in bit zero of R1, changing its value from 07H to 06H. The value of the source register 01H
is unaffected.