Using The Effects Sends and Returns
The two Effects sends provided by the S83 and S63 allow you to combine the
signal from multiple channels and send the resulting mix to the rear panel
Monitor output jack, to the internal reverb unit, or to external devices such as
effects processors.
When an Effects send knob is at the “0” position, the signal is routed with unity
gain (that is, no boost or attenuation). As it is turned clockwise from the 0 posi-
tion, the signal is boosted; as it is turned counterclockwise from the 0 position, it
is attenuated. Effects send 1 (Monitor) is pre-fade; that is, the level of the signal
is determined solely by the input trim and is unaffected by the EQ settings or the
position of the channel level control. In contrast, Effects send 2 (Reverb) is post-
fade; that is, the level of the signal is determined by the input trim, the EQ set-
tings, and the position of the channel level control (raising or lowering the level of
the channel will affect the send level as well). It is particularly important to keep
this distinction in mind when you connect external signal processors to the
S83/S63 via either or both of the two Effects Send jacks on the rear panel.
In addition, both the S83 and S63 offer a number of Effects returns (the S83 pro-
vides four while the S63 provides two). These allow you to return signal from
outboard devices, either in stereo pairs or monophonically (many popular effects
processors provide a single mono input but two stereo outputs). In practice,
you’ll probably want to use the Effects returns to bring in signal from connected
effects processors. Because both the S83 and S63 are monophonic devices,
the signal returned to the Effects return pair (1-2 in the S63) or pairs (1-2 and 3-4
in the S83) are automatically mixed down to mono. The front panel Effects
return knob controls the input level of both signals mixed together.