Conguring Your Speaker System
In larger rooms, as well as in theatres
and theme park installations (for low fre-
quency special audio effects), two Auro
D1800's can be used in stereo. For addi-
tional low-end, you can daisy chain a pair
of Auro D1800 subwoofers to each side
of your speaker system.
Stereo Sub Operation
Before you start plugging in cables, you should take a minute to decide how you want
to interface your new Auro D1800. Most system set-ups fall into one of two categories:
Stereo or Mono sub operation.
In most cases, a common sub (or mono)
bass setup is preferable. Low frequencies
produced by a subwoofer tend to be non-
directional. Since low frequency waves
take so much space to develop, it is dif-
ficult for the ear to tell if sub bass is coming
from the left or right side (unless, of course
you’re in a very large room). Because of
this phenomenon, just about all sub bass
material is mixed in mono.
Mono Sub Operation
Auro D1800