2 Start-up
2.1 Setting the system code number
10 different hydraulic schematics are available. Each system configuration is represented by a
system code number (Anl). The different schematics are dealt with in section 4. Available con
troller functions are described in sections 5, 6 and 7.
Changing the system codenumber resets previously adjusted function blocks totheir default set
tings (WE). Functionblock parameters and settingsin the parameter levelremain unchanged.
The system code number is set in the configuration level.
Proceed as follows: Switch to the parameter level.
Display shows: Time, blinks
Switch to the configuration level.
Display shows: Current system code number,
Activate editing mode for system code number.
“Anl“ blinks on the display.
Set system code number.
Confirm system code number.
Exit the configuration level.
Return to the operating level.
2.2 Activating and deactivating functions
A function is activated or deactivated in the associated function block. The numbers 0 to 24 in
the top row of the display represent the respective function block numbers. When a configura
tion level is opened, the activated function blocks are indicated by a black square on the
right-hand side below thefunction block number. The first level ofthe display shows the function
blocks 0 to 23 and the second level shows the status of function blocks 24 to 47.
The function blocks are described in section 12.1.
EB 5476 EN 17
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 15161718192021222324