Thank you for choosing the Russound
CAM6.6T-S1 System to enhance your home with distributed
audio. This system’s state-of-the-art features and components blend seamlessly with your unique
lifestyle and preferences.
Besides distributing and controlling six audio sources to six rooms (zones), your CAM6.6T-S1 System
offers many features that increase your enjoyment of living. Here are several that you may find partic-
ularly beneficial.
Internal Source
The CAM6.6T includes an optional internal source - an AM/FM tuner module. The tuner can store up
to 36 favorites, or memory presets. These are stored in groups of six called banks, and there are six
banks. Each preset and each bank can be given a custom name of your choice.
The UNO-LRC1 remote and the optional UNO-S2 keypad’s F1 and F2 buttons are preset favorites.
These easy-to-set buttons make it possible to hear your favorite radio station or watch your favorite
satellite channel at just the right volume in your room with just a button push. Want something new?
Just re-save the Favorite with a new choice.
Do Not Disturb
The Do Not Disturb mode prevents unwanted interruptions in your room and stops changes to your
selected audio source. You may have a nursery or study that you want to keep quiet, or maybe you
are watching a DVD and don’t want it interrupted. Simply set the Do Not Disturb mode to “on” using
the User Menu, and be free from Party Mode interaction and system-wide functions like “All On” or
“All Off.”
Party Mode
Ready to set the mood? In Party Mode, you just pick the source and the sound settings and hear the
music throughout all the rooms. The Master keypad simultaneously controls all the keypads in all the
rooms to effortlessly select or control the components. A great benefit of the Party Mode feature is
the ability to transfer the Master keypad mode to any keypad in the system. If the living room is the
center of the party, use that room’s keypad as Master. If the party moves to the sunroom and porch,
that room’s keypad can be set to Master instead.
Here at Russound we are proud to continue providing innovative and intuitive audio product solutions
to the world. When you link the industry-leading CAM6.6T-S1system with Russound’s commitment to
its products and customers, you have truly made – “the right connection.”