8 Russound CA4 System Installation Manual
Setting All ON Participation / Party Mode
Enable / Disable All ON Participation
This setting will allow the keypad to respond to an All ON command. The
default setting is All ON Participation Enabled.
Enter the User Menu.1.
Press and release the source button, until all the source buttons are 2.
ashing. It will cycle through each individual source and then all sources
will ash.
Press the Volume Up button to turn the feature ON, or the Volume Down 3.
button to turn the feature OFF. The far right hand volume LED will be lit
to indicate that the keypad is enabled to respond, or the far left hand
volume LED will indicate that the keypad will not respond to the All ON
Either press the Source button to go to the next option or exit the User 4.
Menu by a 3-second press of the source button or a time-out.
Conditions/ Notes
If the keypad is disabled to respond to the All ON command and is OFF •
when the All ON command is issued, it will not respond to the command.
If it is turned ON while Party Mode is active on the system or was ON prior
to the All ON command being initiated, it will automatically be entered into
Party Mode as a non-Master.
If the keypad is enabled to respond to the All ON Participation command •
and is OFF when the All ON command is issued, it will turn on and enter
into Party Mode as a non-Master.
The keypad issuing the All ON command will be the master keypad and be •
able to control the source selection for any other active zones. The power
button will blink slowly tree times to indicate the Master status and then
will remain lit. Volume control and Power On/O remain independent for
each keypad.
Non-Master keypads in Party Mode cannot change the source. They will all •
show and follow the source choice of the Master keypad. If a user tries to
change sources with a non-Master keypad, the volume up and down and
source buttons will blink three times to indicate the error.
Non-Master keypads can be turned OFF by a press and release of the Power •
button. Any keypad (Master or non-Master) can issue an All OFF command.
Turning the Master keypad OFF will exit Party Mode, and allow the other •
zones to regain source control.
A non-Master keypad cannot issue an All ON command. The source and •
volume buttons will blink three times to indicate an invalid command, and
then will return the keypad to normal operation.
All ON Participation
All ON Participation