3. Installation
RuggedCom® RuggedBackbone™ 22 RX1512 Installation Guide Rev 105
3.4. Serial Console Port
The serial console port on the front panel provides access to the boot-time control and
configuration menu interface, and a console interface to the ROX™ operating system.
The serial ports implement RS232 DCE on a RJ45 connector. Serial settings are: 57600 bps, 8
bits, No parity, 1 stop bit. See the illustration and table below for pin configuration and assignment.
Figure 3.11. RJ45 Serial Console Port
RJ45 Pin Signal Function
1 RX+
2 RX-
3 TX+
4 NC
5 NC
6 TX-
7 NC
8 NC
Table 3.1. RJ45 Serial Console Pinout
3.5. WAN Ports: RJ45
The RX1512 supports T1/E1 WAN ports, to interface to standard T1 or E1 telecommunication
infrastructure. Carefully note the orientation of the RJ45 receptacle when inserting or removing
cabling. See the illustration and table below for pin configuration and assignment.
Figure 3.12. RJ45 T1/E1 Pin Configuration
T1/E1 pinout
Pin Description
3 NC
6 NC
7 NC
8 NC
Table 3.2. RJ45 T1/E1 Pin Assignment