lution audio can be decoded by the DVD-A
player and the resulting analog signals sent
to the RSP-1069’s MULTI INPUT.
: This is a proprietary high-resolution
audio standard for use on SACD compatible
disc players. As with high-resolution DVD-A
discs, the bandwidth is too high for today’s
digital connection. Thus, these discs must
be decoded by SACD compatible player,
with the output sent to the RSP-1069’s MULTI
MP3: MP3 format recordings, often down-
loaded from the Internet, can be played on
portable MP3 players or some disc players that
can read CD-ROM discs. These players can
be connected to the RSP-1069’s digital inputs,
but must output a digital PCM stream.
Automatic Surround
Decoding of digital sources connected to the
digital inputs is generally automatic, with de-
tection triggered by a “fl ag” embedded in the
digital recording telling the RSP-1069 what
decoding format is required. For example,
when Dolby Digital 5.1 or DTS 5.1 channel
surround is detected, the RSP-1069 activates
the proper decoding.
The unit will also detect DTS-ES Matrix 6.1
or DTS-ES Discrete 6.1 discs and activate
Extended Surround decoding. Dol-
by Digital Surround EX recordings also trig-
ger automatic decoding (although not all
Surround EX DVDs have the necessary fl ag
and may require manually activating Sur-
round EX decoding).
Likewise, a digital input from an HDCD
coded compact disc, a standard CD, or a
DTS 96/24 or DTS-ES 96/24 disc will be
auto-detected and properly decoded to 2CH
stereo operation.
Dolby Pro Logic IIx or Rotel XS processing
can be confi gured to be automatically active
in all 6.1 or 7.1 channel systems confi gured
with center back speaker(s) and will ensure
proper extended surround decoding of all
multichannel digital signals, even those that
might not otherwise trigger the proper ex-
tended surround mode.
In many cases, the RSP-1069 will also rec-
ognize a digital signal with Dolby Surround
encoding (such as the default soundtrack on
many DVDs) and activate Dolby
Pro Logic
NOTE: A digital signal coming into the RSP-1069
will be recognized and properly decoded.
However, on a DVD with multiple soundtracks,
you must tell the DVD player which one to
send to the RSP-1069. For example, you may
need to use the DVD’s menu system to select
the Dolby Digital 5.1 or DTS 5.1 soundtrack
rather than the default Dolby Digital 2.0 Dolby
Surround soundtrack.
Additionally, you can confi gure a default
surround mode for each input using the IN-
PUT SETUP menu (see the Setup section of
this manual). Combined with the auto-de-
tection of Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS, this
default surround setting makes operation
of the RSP-1069 surround modes totally au-
tomatic. For example, if you set Dolby Pro
Logic II movie mode as the default for all of
your video inputs, the RSP-1069 will auto-
matically decode Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS
soundtracks when they are played and use
Pro Logic II matrix decoding for all other re-
cordings. For stereo inputs such as CD and
Tuner, you could select STEREO mode as the
default for 2-channel playback or Dolby Pro
Logic II music mode if you prefer to hear mu-
sic sources in surround sound.
Manually Selecting
Surround Modes
As described in the previous section, the com-
bination of auto-detection of Dolby Digital
and DTS recordings and setting default sur-
round modes for each input during the setup
of the RSP-1069 makes operation of surround
modes totally automatic. For many users, this
automatic surround mode selection will meet
all of their listening needs.
For users who prefer a more active role in set-
ting surround modes, buttons on the remote
and the front panel provide manual selection
of surround mode that are not automatically
detected or, in some cases, to override an
automatic setting.
Manual settings available from the front panel
and/or the remote might be used when you
want to play:
• Standard 2-channel stereo (left/right speak-
ers only) with no surround processing.
• Downmixed 2-channel playback of Dolby
Digital 5.1 or DTS recordings.
• Dolby 3-channel stereo (left/right/center)
of 2-channel recordings.
• 5-channel or 7-channel stereo from 2-
channel recordings.
• One of four modes for DSP concert hall
simulation from 2-channel recordings.
• Dolby Pro Logic II cinema or music mode
matrix decoding of 2-channel record-
• DTS Neo:6 cinema or music mode matrix
decoding of 2-channel recordings.
• Dolby Digital Surround EX decoding of
Dolby Digital 5.1 channel recordings or
Dolby Digital Surround EX discs that do
not trigger automatic decoding.
NOTE: DTS, DTS-ES Matrix 6.1, DTS-ES Discrete
6.1, DTS 96/24, DTS-ES 96/24, Dolby Digital,
HDCD (96kHz), and PCM 2-channel (96kHz)
digital signals are auto-detected and cannot
be overridden. However, you can choose to
use Dolby Digital Surround EX decoding for
any Dolby Digital 5.1 source material. You
can also downmix Dolby Digital 5.1 or DTS
5.1 recordings for 2-channel playback.
• HDCD (non 96kHz) and PCM 2-chan-
nel (non 96kHz) digital signals can be
overridden to Dolby Pro Logic II, Dolby
3-Stereo, DTS Neo:6, Music 1 – 4, 5CH
Stereo, 7CH Stereo, and Stereo.
• Dolby Digital 2-channel Stereo can be
overridden to Dolby Pro Logic II, Dolby
3-Stereo, and Stereo.
The following topics describe in detail the
manual surround mode options available
for each type of recording: