Wireless LAN PCI Card RNX-N300X User Manual
3.2.5 Advanced
This page provides advanced configurations to this adapter. Please refer to the following
chart for definitions of each item.
Wireless mode Click the drop list to select a wireless mode.
Enable TX Burst Select to enable connecting to a TX Burst supported device.
Enable TCP Window Size Mark the checkbox to enable TCP window size, which help
enhance throughput.
Fast Roaming at __ dBm Mark the checkbox to enable fast roaming. Specify the transmit
power for fast roaming.
Show Authentication Status
Mark the checkbox to show “Authentication Status Dialog” while
connecting to an AP with authentication. Authentication Status
Dialog displays the process about 802.1x authentication
Enable CCX (Cisco Compatible
Select to enable CCX. This function can only be applied when
connecting to a Cisco compatible device.
3.2.6 Statistics
Statistics page displays the detail counter information based on 802.11 MIB counters. This
page translates the MIB counters into a format easier for user to understand.