Parameter List
RHYTHM Key Control ([RHYTHM]-[F5(Key Ctl)])(p. 179)
Group Parameter Value
CONTROL Bend Range Bend range 0–48
Envelope Mode Envelope mode NO SUS, SUSTAIN
Mute Group Mute group OFF, 1–31
Assign Type Assign type MULTI, SINGLE
Rx MIDI Expression Receive expression switch OFF, ON
Pan Receive pan control switch CONTINUOUS, KEY-ON
Hold-1 Receive hold-1 switch OFF, ON
RHYTHM Effects General ([RHYTHM]-[F6(Effects)]-[F1(General)])(p. 37)
Group Parameter Value
Rhythm Output Assign MFX, A–D, 1–8, TONE
Rhythm Tone Output Assign MFX, A–D, 1–8
Rhythm Tone Dry Send Level 0–127
Rhythm Tone Chorus Send Level 0–127
(non MFX/MFX)
Rhythm Tone Reverb Send Level 0–127
(non MFX/MFX)
MFX Type 0–90
MFX Dry Send Level 0–127
MFX Chorus Send Level 0–127
MFX Reverb Send Level 0–127
Chorus Type OFF, Chrus, Delay
Chorus Output Select MAIN, REV, M+R
Chorus Level 0–127
Reverb Type OFF, Revrb, Room, Hall, Plate
Reverb Level 0–127
MFX Output Assign A, B, C, D
Chorus Output Assign A, B, C, D
Reverb Output Assign A, B, C, D
RHYTHM Effects MFX ([RHYTHM]-[F6(Effects)]-[F2(MFX Prm)])(p. 37)
Group Parameter Value
(Refer to MFX parameters)
RHYTHM Effects MFX Control ([RHYTHM]-[F6(Effects)]-[F3(MFX Ctl)])(p. 37)
Group Parameter Value
MFX CTRL Source MFX Control Source 1, 2, 3, 4 (*1)
Destination Destination 1, 2, 3, 4 (*2)
Sens MFX Control Sens 1, 2, 3, 4 -63–+63
*2: Refer to MFX Parameters
RHYTHM Effects Chorus ([RHYTHM]-[F6(Effects)]-[F3(Chorus)])(p. 38)
* Refer to Chorus Parameters (p. 38)
RHYTHM Effects Reverb ([RHYTHM]-[F6(Effects)]-[F4(Reverb)])(p. 40)
* Refer to Reverb parameters (p. 40)