MIDI Implementation
* When the [SWEEP] knob is turned, the corresponding value will be transmitted.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
❍Sound Controller 5 (Controller number 74)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 4AH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0, 127)
* When the [COLOR] knob is turned, the corresponding value will be transmitted.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
❍Sound Controller 7 (Controller number 76)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 4CH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0, 127)
* When the [LFO RATE] knob is turned, the corresponding value will be transmitted.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
❍General Purpose Controller 6 (Controller number 81)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 51H vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0, 127)
* The HPD-15 tramsmits a value corresponding to the position of the d beam controller.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
❍General Purpose Controller 7 (Controller number 82)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 52H vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0, 127)
* The HPD-15 tramsmits a value corresponding to the position of the ribbon controller L.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
❍General Purpose Controller 8 (Controller number 83)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 53H vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0, 127)
* The HPD-15 tramsmits a value corresponding to the position of the ribbon controller R.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
❍Effect 1 (Reverb Send Level) (Controller number 91)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 5BH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
* When a pattern is selected, the part reverb send level of the sequencer pattern data will
be transmitted.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the melody parts and the
percussion parts.
❍Effect 2 (Tremolo Depth) (Controller number 92)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 5CH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
* When the [LFO FLT/AMP] knob is turned, the corresponding value will be transmitted.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
❍Effect 4 (Celeste Depth) (Controller number 94)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 5DH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H, 7FH (0, 127)
* This message is transmitted with the value 7FH when turned on the [MULTI EFFECTS]
button or value 00H when turned off.
* When a pattern is selected, the part M-FX of the sequencer pattern data will be
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
❍RPN MSB/LSB (Controller number 101,100)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 65H mmH
BnH 64H llH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
mm = upper byte of parameter number specified by RPN (MSB)
ll = lower byte of parameter number specified by RPN (LSB)
* Only the channel assigned to the melody parts are sent.
* When a pattern is selected, the pitch bend sensitivity of the sequencer pattern data will
be transmitted.
* Regarding the RPN please refer to p. 99.
Values for the RPN parameter, on the normal mode of HPD-15, are as follows. Regarding
the value of each parameter, refer to Data Entry (Controller number 6).
mm ll Parameter
00H 00H Pitch Bend Sensitivity
7FH 7FH RPN null
●Program Change
Status 2nd byte
CnH ppH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
pp = Program number: 00H - 7FH (prog.1 - prog.128) preset patch
00H - 4FH (prog.1 - prog.80) user patch
00H - 35H (prog.1 - prog.54) melody part's instrument
* Program changes corresponding to patch are sent when patch is selected.
* Program changes corresponding to each part's instrument are sent when pattern is
selected. Also, when instruments are selected for parts, program changes for the
respective instruments are sent.
●Pitch Bend Change
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
EnH llH mmH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
mm,ll = Pitch Bend value: 00 00H - 40 00H - 7F 7FH (-8192 - 0 - +8191)
* When the [PITCH] knob is turned, the corresponding value will be transmitted.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
■System Realtime Message
●Timing Clock