24—MIDI and Synchronization
Roland VS-2480 Owner’s Manual www.rolandus.com 315
Setting Up the VS-2480 as the Sync Master
1. Navigate to the MIDI PARAMETER screen (Page 299).
2. If the VS-2480 is connected to the slave device with a MIDI cable, set MIDI OUT/
THRU to Out. If you’re using an R-BUS connection, skip this step.
3. If the device you’re syncing to the VS-2480 supports MMC (Page 309), turn on the
SysEx. Tx Sw parameter and set MMC MODE to MASTER.
4. Hold down SHIFT and press EXT SYNC to jump to the SYNC PARAMETER screen.
5. Set SYNC MODE to INT, for “Internal” so that the VS-2480 uses its own timing.
6. If you’ll be using MTC, select a FRAME RATE value—see Page 308 for guidance.
7. If you’ll be using MTC, and the material in the slave device doesn’t begin at
00h00m00s00f00, enter its start time as the Sync OFFSET TIME parameter’s value—
when the VS-2480’s project plays from the top, the slave plays from this location.
8. Select the type of sync you want the VS-2480 to generate. If you’re syncing to:
a MIDI device that recognizes MTC
—set MIDI OUT SYNC Gen. to MTC.
a MIDI device that recognizes MIDI clocks
—set MIDI OUT SYNC Gen. to
MIDIClk (“MIDI Clock”) if you want to synchronize the external device to a
project tempo map. To synchronize the device to a sync track, select SyncTr.
an R-BUS device connected to the R-BUS 1 jack
—set R-BUS1 Sync Gen. to MTC.
an R-BUS device connected to the R-BUS 2 jack
—set R-BUS2 Sync Gen. to MTC.
9. Complete the setup by configuring the slave device so that it’s set to:
• use an external timing source.
• receive the type of sync you’re sending it from the VS-2480.
• receive MMC if the device recognizes MMC.
• receive SysEx data if the device recognizes MMC.
Starting Synchronized Playback with the VS-2480 as Master
1. Set the slave device—as detailed in its documentation—so that it’s awaiting sync.
2. Press the VS-2480’s PLAY button.
3. To halt synchronized playback, press STOP on the VS-2480.
Syncing the VS-2480 to an External Device
The VS-2480 can be synchronized to a master device that generates MTC or SMPTE
time code. The VS-2480 can receive MTC through its MIDI IN jack or through an R-BUS
connection (Page 49). It can receive SMPTE time code via its SMPTE IN jack (Page 47).
Setting Up the VS-2480 as a Sync Slave
1. Navigate to the MIDI PARAMETER screen (Page 299).
2. If the master device transmits MMC (Page 309), turn on the VS-2480’s SysEx. Rx Sw
parameter, and set the MMC MODE parameter to SLAVE.
3. Set the MMC SOURCE parameter to:
—if the VS-2480 is connected to the master device via MIDI.
—if the master device is connected to the VS-2480’s R-BUS 1 jack.
—if the master device is connected to the VS-2480’s R-BUS 2 jack.
4. Hold down SHIFT and press EXT SYNC to jump to the SYNC PARAMETER screen.
Consult the slave device’s documentation for synchronization setup details.
For details on setting up successful R-BUS communication with the VS-2480, see
“R-BUS Remote Control” on Page 387.
VS2480OMUS.book 315 ページ 2006年2月7日 火曜日 午後4時16分