MIDI Implementation
❍Data Set (DT1)
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 41H,Dev,00H,4EH,12H,aaH,bbH,ccH,ddH, ..., eeH,Sum F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
41H Manufacturer ID (Roland)
Dev Device ID
00H 4EH Model ID (MMP-2)
12H Command ID (DT1)
aaH Address MSB
bbH Address MID
ccH Address LSB
ddH Data
: :
eeH Data
Sum Check Sum
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
❍The message is received under the following condition.
If the device ID on the message is same as that of the receive device, and the
address on the message correspond to the specified parameter base address, the
received data are stored from the specified parameter base address.
If the interval of received messages is shorter than 25m sec., the MMP-2 can not
work the receive message procedure correctly.
❍The message is transmitted under the following condition.
When the MMP-2 transmit the data on the requested parameter after receiving the
Data Request message(RQ1).
See “Data Transfer Address Map” (p. 47) for more details of the transfer
Data Transfer Address Map
The each address value is expressed as a 7bit hex number.
| Address | MSB | | LSB |
| Binary | 0aaa aaaa | 0bbb bbbb | 0ccc cccc |
| 7—bit Hex | AA | BB | CC |
■Parameter Address Block
<Model ID = 00H 4EH>
| Start | |
|Address | Contents and Remarks |
| 00 00 00 | System Parameter |
| 00 01 00 | Input Parameter |
| 00 02 00 | Effect Parameter (Temp) |
| 00 04 00 | Status |
| 00 05 00 | Remote Operation |
| 01 00 00 | Bulk Data |
●System Parameter
| Start | | |
| Address | Data | Contents and Remarks |
| 00 00 | 00 - 01 | Master Clock(*1) INTERNAL, DIGITAL |
| 00 01 | 00 - 03 | Sampling Frequency(*1) 44.1K,48K,88.2K,96KHz |
| 00 02 | 00 - 01 | Audio Source(*1) MIC, DIGITAL |
| 00 03 | 00 | (Reserved) |
| : : |
| 00 0F | 00 | (Reserved) |
| 00 10 | 00 - 01 | USB Driver(*1) VENDER, GENELIC |
| 00 11 | 00 - 1F | MIDI Device ID(*1) 1,,,32 |
| 00 12 | 00 - 01 | MIDI Level Meter Tx. Switch OFF,ON |
| 00 13 | 00 | (Reserved) |
| : : |
| 00 1F | 00 | (Reserved) |
| 00 20 | 00 - 0F | LCD Contrast 1,,,16 |
| 00 21 | 00 - 02 | Peak Level Select -6,-3,0dB |
| 00 22 | 00 - 02 | Effects Routing NORM,P IN,P OUT |
| 00 23 | 00 | (Reserved) |
| : : |
| 00 7F | 00 | (Reserved) |
(*1)Read Only Parameters.
●Input Parameters
| Start | | |
| Address | Data | Contents and Remarks |
| 01 00 | 00 — 01 | Phantom Power 1 OFF, ON |
| 01 01 | 16 — 46 | ATT 1 (0dB:40H) —42 — +6dB |
| 01 02 | 00 — 01 | Phase 1 NORMAL, INVERT |
| 01 03 | 00 | (Reserved) |
| 01 04 | 00 — 51 | LO—Cut 1 TURU,20 — 2.00kHz |
| 01 05 | 00 | (Reserved) |
| : : |
| 01 0F | 00 | (Reserved) |
| 01 10 | 00 — 01 | Phantom Power 2 OFF, ON |
| 01 11 | 16 — 46 | ATT 2 (0dB:40H) —42 — +6dB |
| 01 12 | 00 — 01 | Phase 2 NORMAL, INVERT |
| 01 13 | 00 | (Reserved) |
| 01 14 | 00 — 51 | LO—Cut 2 TURU,20 — 2.00kHz |
| 01 15 | 00 | (Reserved) |
| : : |
| 01 7F | 00 | (Reserved) |
●Effect Parameters
❍Basic Address
| Start | | |
| Address | Data | Contents and Remarks |
| 02 00 | 20 — 7F | Effects Patch Name — 1 (ASCII)|
| : | : | : |
| 02 0B | 20 — 7F | Effects Patch Name —12 |
| 02 0C | 10 — 11 | Effects Algorithm Number |
| | | 11H: MIC MODEL + DYNAMICS + PLUG IN(Preamp) |
| 02 0D | 00 | (Reserved) |
| : : |
| 02 0F | 00 | (Reserved) |
| 02 10 | 00 — 7F | Effects Parameters |
| : | : | |
| 03 7F | 00 — 7F | |
| Start | | |
| Address | Data | Contents and Remarks |
| 02 10 | 00 — 01 | LINK OFF, ON |
| 02 11 | 00 | (Reserved) |
| 02 12 | 00 — 01 | Bypass MODEL 1 OFF, ON |
| 02 13 | 00 — 01 | Bypass MODEL 2 OFF, ON |
| 02 14 | 00 — 01 | Bypass EQ 1 OFF, ON |
| 02 15 | 00 — 01 | Bypass EQ 2 OFF, ON |
| 02 16 | 00 — 01 | Bypass DYN 1 OFF, ON |
| 02 17 | 00 — 01 | Bypass DYN 2 OFF, ON |
| 02 18 | 00 | (Reserved) |
| : : |
| 02 1F | 00 | (Reserved) |
| 02 20 | 00 — 01 | MODEL 1: SW OFF, ON |
| 02 21 | 00 — 05 | MODEL 1: Input 0,,,5 = |
| | | DR—20,SmlDy,HedDy,MinCn,Flat,AKGC3K |
| 02 22 | 00 — 06 | MODEL 1: Output 0,,,6 = |
| 02 23 | 34 — 4C | MODEL 1: Proximity Effect (0:40H) —12,,,+12 |
| 02 24 | 00 — 6B | MODEL 1: Timelag 0,,,107 = 0,,,3000cm |
| 02 25 | 00 — 01 | MODEL 2: SW OFF, ON |
| 02 26 | 00 — 05 | MODEL 2: Input 0,,,5 = |
| | | DR—20,SmlDy,HedDy,MinCn,Flat,AKGC3K |
| 02 27 | 00 — 06 | MODEL 2: Output 0,,,6 = |
| 02 28 | 34 — 4C | MODEL 2: Proximity Effect (0:40H) —12,,,+12 |
| 02 29 | 00 — 6B | MODEL 2: Timelag 0,,,107 = 0,,,3000cm |
| 02 2A | 00 | (Reserved) |
| : : |
| 02 2F | 00 | (Reserved) |
| 02 30 | 00 — 01 | EQ 1: SW OFF, ON |
| 02 31 | 16 — 46 | EQ 1: ATT (0dB:40H) —42 — +6dB |