To navigate between the different types of parts on the Studio Play screen,
hold down SHIFT and use the 3 and 4 cursor buttons.
A studio set also offers quite a lot of effect-processing power:
• Each of the 16 Internal and EXP parts has its own PFX.
MFX (for “multi-effects”)—
• Each studio set has a pair of MFX and a chorus
and reverb that any of its Audio Track on Internal parts can use.
ARX effects—
• Each ARX board provides its own effects for its EXP-part
sounds. (The number and type of effects varies from board to board.)
Mastering effect—
• Each studio set contains a mastering effect with
which you can add the final overall processing to an entire mix.
Input FX—
• A separate input effect is available for processing live audio as
it comes into the Fantom-G for recording on one of your song’s tracks.
The Fantom-G contains helpful factory-built PRST studio sets, and we’ll show
you how to make your own in this booklet. The Studio Mode in the Fantom-G
Workshop booklet gets into Studio mode and studio sets in more detail.
Recording Your Own Song
Starting a New Song
Press SONG, and then F1 (Song List) to display the project’s song list. 1
Select any USER “INIT SONG”— these are blank, empty songs. (We’re 2
already in the USER bank because the demo songs load from there.)
Here we’ve selected the third song location, which is currently empty.
This “INIT SONG” title is the fastest way to see in the song list if a song
song location is empty. For this reason, we strongly recommend naming
your songs as you write them into the Fantom-G’s memory so you can
tell if a location is truly empty later on. We’ll explain how to store a
song in the Saving Your Work on the Fantom-G Workshop booklet.
Press F8 (Load), and then press F7 (OK) to confirm the operation—the 3
new, empty song loads.
Putting Together a Studio Set
In any recording studio, you have to first gather the instruments—or in the
case of the Fantom-G, patches, rhythm sets, etc.—you want to record. That’s
essentially what you do when you construct a studio set. Here’s how.
Starting a New Studio Set
Press STUDIO to return to the Studio Play screen, highlight the Bank 1
and Studio Set Number parameters, and turn the Value dial to select
an unused USER studio set. All of the unused sets have the name “INIT
As with songs, you can tell if a studio set is unused by its name, so
naming each one as you set it up is a good idea.
Press F2 (Utility) to show the Studio Set Utility screen.