Ticks are subdivisions of a beat. There are 120 ticks in a beat, starting
at Tick 000. Sixteenth notes occur every 60 ticks.
When you’re recording the first track of a song, Start is set to Measure
001, Beat 01, and Tick 000.
1 Set the Song Rec Standby parameters as desired.
Press the START/STOP button to begin step recording—
the SONG STEP REC screen appears.
The main part of the screen shows you your current location in the
song. Once you’ve entered some steps, they’ll appear here in a list,
with the last one being your current step’s location.
You can move forward or back through the event list at any time using
the 6 and 5 buttons, respectively
Before you strike a key to enter a note, you’ll need to set up the
current step. At the bottom of the screen are three settings that
determine the behavior of the step.
• sets the space between this step and the next one.
By default, NOTE is set to 1/8. If your first step is at the song’s
beginning, or its first 1/8th note, the second step will be at the
song’s second 1/8th note.
• sets the amount of time a note plays before it stops. If
you set it to a shorter value, notes are staccato; longer values
extend in length all the way up to the next step, with a 100%
value. The typical setting is 80%.
VELOCITY—• sets the “velocity” of the step’s note(s). Velocity is the
force with which you strike a key, and this typically determines
the volume of the key’s note. If you set this parameter to REAL,
notes will play back the way you performed them. Otherwise,
you can select a specific velocity value with this parameter, from
1 to 127.
You can change the NOTE, GATE, and VELOCITY parameters at any step
as you record. This lets you enter any kind of note you want.
3 Set up NOTE, GATE, and VELOCITY as desired.
4 Play the desired note or chord on the keyboard, or press
the STRINGS/SCAT•3 button to enter a rest—the GW-8
records what you’ve entered and moves you forward in
time to the next step.
If you make a mistake, you can delete the last-entered note
by pressing the PIANO 0 button.
You can add a tie to the last entered note that extends it
the length of the current step by pressing the KBD/ORGAN•1
button. To remove a tie, press the GUITAR•/BASS•2 button.
Repeat Steps 6 and 7 until you’re finished recording.5
Press the START/STOP button to stop recording.6
To step-record additional song tracks, repeat Steps 1-6 above.7