Program Overview
This programmable thermostat can have up to four setpoints per day (MORN, DAY, EVE, NIGHT). Each of these setpoints
will have a time, temperature and programmable fan setting. The thermostat is pre-programmed with setpoints that
meet the EPA’s Energy Star
requirements. The use of these setpoints can greatly reduce energy bills for the average
household. If the setpoints do not meet the needs of your household, they are fully adjustable to any settings desired.
This thermostat will monitor the time of day and turn the system on or off, based on the temperature differential, to
maintain the programmed or manually selected setpoint temperature.
To save money and energy, you can adjust these setpoint times and temperatures to provide set-back periods in program
mode during the day or at night. The Energy Efficient Recovery (EER™) feature looks ahead up to 2 hours prior to the end of
the set-back (or set-up) period to begin monitoring system performance and calculating when to turn on your system. It
also determines whether the auxiliary heat or cool stages should be activated prior to setpoint time to meet your chosen
setpoint temperature. The thermostat will indicate "EER" in the display when this program feature is active. The EER™
feature will lock-out the auxiliary stages until 20 minutes prior to the upcoming setpoint time to utilize the most energy
efficient heat pump (first) stage. The auxiliary stages of heating and cooling will be available after this lock-out period to
maintain the setpoint temperature should the heat pump not be able to keep up with heating or cooling demand.
Selecting ˚F/˚C
The thermostat displays temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit.
If you wish to change the readout to Celsius:
1. Press and hold SET button while pressing ∨ button. Release both buttons.
The display will switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius. If you wish to switch
back to Fahrenheit, simply repeat this step.
NOTE: All differential control is done in˚F even though ˚C is selected as your display choice.
Selecting Auto Changeover
You may wish to set your thermostat so it will automatically choose
between the HEAT or COOL programs for proper temperature control.
This program feature is referred to as the AUTO (Auto Changeover)
mode of system operation.
While in AUTO mode, the thermostat will constantly monitor the room
temperature to determine whether to run the HEAT or COOL program to
maintain comfort. To operate properly, the thermostat requires a "dead
band" setting to eliminate program conflicts. The standard "dead band"
setting is 3˚ between the highest HEAT temperature setting and the
lowest COOL temperature setting for a given setpoint period. (There is
an optional 5˚ "dead band" setting available. See "CHANGING DIP
For example, if the highest HEAT temperature setting for the MORN
setpoint is 72˚, then the lowest COOL temperature setting for a 3˚ "dead
band" would be 75˚. The thermostat will emit a short "beep" if the user
attempts to enter a temperature setting while in the HEAT or COOL
program which would violate the established "dead band".
If you are in PROGRAM mode (PROG/MAN) and you have selected AUTO
using the SYSTEM button, the thermostat will constantly compare the
current room temperature to the current setpoint (MORN, DAY, EVE,
NIGHT) temperature settings for the HEAT and COOL programs and
choose which program is appropriate, for example:
Lowest cool setting
Highest heat setting
Lowest cool setting
Highest heat setting
3˚ Deadband
5˚ Deadband