
fd2 (STDERR)
The command writes messages to this stream.
Return codes from the pdxtloadres command
Return codes from the pdxtloadres command mean:
0 The command successfully loaded or deleted all the specified
EINVAL An error exists with one of the command options.
E2BIG The command contains too many command options.
ENOATTR You specified a command option without a value, or you did not
specify a required command option.
ENOENT The command did not locate the resources to load or delete. The
file or pattern that the -l or -n command option specified did not
contain or match any valid file names.
ENOMEM Not enough memory is available for the command.
EEXIST A resource was already loaded; you did not specify the -r option
with the command.
The command did not load or delete one or more resources
because of a non-zero return code from an associated
The command did not load or delete one or more resources, but
associated subcommands had return codes of zero.
other Any other return codes that are not in this list are return codes
from C functions. See “Return code numbers” on page 113 for
+ End of Programming Interface information - +
Examples: pdxtloadres command
These examples show how you can use the pdxtloadres command to load Xerox
v To load all the resources specified in a list file named resource.list and to use the
common resource library:
pdxtloadres -l %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resource.list
v To load all the resources specified in a list file in the current directory:
pdxtloadres -l resource.list
v To load all fonts in the current directory in the payroll resource group:
pdxtloadres -g payroll -n *fnt
Scanning a job for required resources with the pdxtx2afp command
When you initially set up InfoPrint XT, you loaded all the resources that were on
the Xerox printer or printers. If you add applications that generate new jobs and
that use new resources, you can scan the jobs to determine the resources they
require. This is an iterative process because some Xerox resources require other
Xerox resources. For example, a Xerox form might require one or more images and
50 InfoPrint XT Guide