Section 33 Power-Down Modes
Page 1800 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
6 RTCAR 0 R/W Cancel by Realtime Clock Alarm Interrupt
0: Deep standby mode is not canceled by a realtime
clock alarm interrupt.
1: Deep standby mode is canceled by a realtime clock
alarm interrupt.
5 PC8 0 R/W Cancel by Change on PC8
0: Deep standby mode is not canceled by change on
the PC8 pin.
1: Deep standby mode is canceled by change on the
PC8 pin.
4 PC7 0 R/W Cancel by Change on PC7
0: Deep standby mode is not canceled by change on
the PC7 pin.
1: Deep standby mode is canceled by change on the
PC7 pin.
3 PC6 0 R/W Cancel by Change on PC6
0: Deep standby mode is not canceled by change on
the PC6 pin.
1: Deep standby mode is canceled by change on the
PC6 pin.
2 PC5 0 R/W Cancel by Change on PC5
0: Deep standby mode is not canceled by change on
the PC5 pin.
1: Deep standby mode is canceled by change on the
PC5 pin.
1 PJ3 0 R/W Cancel by Change on PJ3
0: Deep standby mode is not canceled by change on
the PJ3 pin.
1: Deep standby mode is canceled by change on the
PJ3 pin.
0 PJ1 0 R/W Cancel by Change on PJ1
0: Deep standby mode is not canceled by change on
the PJ1 pin.
1: Deep standby mode is canceled by change on the
PJ1 pin.