External Control Parts (cont’d)
Front Sight: Screws up and down for elevation. (See Picture 22).
Rear Sight: Windage adjustable. (See Picture 23).
Scope Mount Rail: 11mm rail. (See Picture 24).
Never adjust sights or scope mounting on a loaded firearm. The firearm should be completely unloaded before any such adjustments are made.
Instructions For Assembly Of Combination Rifle/Shotgun
Before you begin to assemble the combination rifle/shotgun, you MUST (1) look down the barrels from the breech end toward the muzzle end
to make sure there is no ammunition in the chambers or obstructions in the barrels, and (2) make sure the safety is in the “safe” position.
Your combination rifle/shotgun was shipped with the barrel assembly (barrels and forend) detached from the
receiver assembly. To assemble the combination rifle/shotgun, follow these instructions:
1. Remove the plastic bags or wrapping covering the parts. Then remove the forend from the barrels by
pulling outward on the mechanical lever in the lower midsection of the forend and tipping the forend out
and away from the barrel. (See
Picture 25).
2. Now fully squeeze/depress the locking lever and hold. (See
Picture 26).
Picture 25 Picture 26
Picture 22 Picture 23
Picture 24