Chapter 5 29
Other Information
Cloning a TV
Use the ClonePRO™ or a master remote to complete any necessary setup steps to the TV, such
as Auto Channel Search, changing Access & Power options, etc. Go to Chapter 1 for more
information on setting up the TV. When you have fi nished setting up the TV, you can use it as your
example TV.
1. Connect the ClonePRO™ to the example TV’s DSCI port.
2. It is recommended, though not required, to turn on the TV. Press the POWER button.
3. Press the LEARN button to begin the cloning process. When it is complete, Cloning
Complete is displayed on-screen.
4. Take the ClonePRO to each subsequent TV and then (in either DSCI or IR mode) TEACH
each TV, monitoring the process on-screen.
The settings learned by the ClonePRO™ remain indefi nitely, ready to TEACH the next TV until
overwritten by a new LEARN operation.
Problems with the DSCI mode
• Make sure the TV is plugged into a live electrical outlet.
• Make sure the ClonePRO™ is plugged into the TV’s DSCI port.
• The connecting cable should have at least 6 wires, mapping 1-to-1 (not fl ipped).
ClonePRO™ remote isn't working
• Check the battery. Place a new 9V battery in the unit if the battery is old.
• Make sure the ClonePRO™ is pointed at the TV with a clear line of sight.
• If you are trying to TEACH, make sure there is a valid memory stored in the ClonePRO™ (Check
by going into DSCI-mode [Status].)
• A TV must be turned on before being taught in IR mode.
• After successful teaching, the TV turns off and turns on with the new settings.
• If the TV displays the message Cloning Timeout or Cloning Aborted, press TEACH again to
retry, experimenting with the ClonePRO™ at different distances and angles from the TV.
• If no valid settings have been stored via a DSCI LEARN, the IR ready light will come on but
nothing will appear on the TV screen.
Note: The ClonePRO™ cannot be used to cross clone (to copy the memory of older models
into newer models, or vice versa), because the two have completely different memory-maps,