E. Ethernet Jack - Connecting to a Home Network
This jack is currently not operational. However, a Product Software Upgrade (on www.RCAav.com) may
be available that will enable you to activate the ethernet jack and use your player to support BD-Live
If you've upgraded the Product Software to activate the ethernet jack, and you have a working home
network with internet access:
1. Connect this jack to your Home Network Router using an ethernet cable.
2. Connect a USB Flash Drive (with 1GB or more free space on it) to the USB port on the front of the player
(this is required for BD-Live operation).
do not pull on the cable. Press down the lock tab and pull the connector out of the jack.
the instructions from your Internet Service Provider, or your Home Network's Router Manual on testing
your Home Network's operation.
C. Using USB port
You can connect a USB flash drive (not included) to the USB port on the unit to play picture files.
• Ifyoudonothaveanydiscloaded,plugtheUSBashdriveintotheUSBportontheplayer,USBContent
Manger will be displayed automatically.
• Ifadiscisloadedbutatstopmode,theoptionsshownbelowwillbedisplayed.Presstheyellowbutton
on the remote control to select the USB Content Manager.
• ItisrecommendedthattheproductisturnedOFFwhenyoupluginaUSBashdrive.
• Itdoes notsupportUSBhard diskmassstorage devices,multi-cardreadersand otherUSBcomputer
• ItonlysupportsUSBashdrives(FAT32/16,max.capacity32Gbytes,maxvideobitrateis7Mbps).
• MakesureyourUSBashdriveisFAT16/FAT32lesystem.Allotherlesystemswillnotbesupported.
D. Using Headphones/Earphones
Turn down the volume before connecting the
headphones/earphones. Slowly raise the volume with
the headphones on until you reach your desired volume.
When headphones are connected, the speaker is
automatically disabled.
For you convenience, we've included two headphone
jacks - allowing two Users to listen at the same time.
Excessive sound pressure from earphones and
headphones can cause hearing loss. Avoid
listening to sound at excessive levels which could be
harmful to your ears.
[1/8” (3.5mm) diameter plug]