Potable Water and Space Heating
1. All piping materials and components connected to
the water heater for the space heating application
shall be suitable for use with potable water.
2. Toxic chemicals, such as used for boiler treatment,
shall not be introduced into the potable water used
for space heating.
3. If the heater will be used to supply potable water,
it shall not be connected to any heating system or
components previously used with a non-potable
water heating appliance.
4. When the system requires water for space heating
at temperatures higher than 140°F, a means such
as a mixing valve shall be installed to temper the
water in order to reduce scald hazard potential.
CAUTION: When this heater is used for both
potable water and space heating, observe the follow-
ing to ensure proper operation.
Fig. 13: Single Domestic Hot Water Heater and Storage