DANGER: When servicing or replacing components
that are in direct contact with the water, be certain
• There is no pressure in the boiler. (Pull the release
on the relief valve. Do not depend on the pressure
gauge reading).
• The boiler water is not hot.
• The electrical power is off.
XFyre Error Codes
f any of the sensors detect an abnormal condition or
an internal component fails during the operation of the
XFyre, the display may show an error code. This code
may either be the result of a temporary condition in
which case the display will revert to its normal readout
when the condition is corrected, or it may be the result
of a condition that the controller has evaluated as not
safe to restart the unit. In this case, the unit control will
be locked out, requiring the maintenance person to
manually reset the control by pressing the
ESC/RESET key for more than 1 second. Typically, if
the display has a code beginning with F followed by 2
numbers the XFyre is locked out. If the display has a 3
letter code it is the result of a temporary condition.
Heater Errors
When an error condition occurs, the controller will dis-
play an error code on the display module. These error
codes and several suggested corrective actions are
included in the XFyre Fault Text section on the follow-
ing page.
Heater Faults
1. When a fault condition occurs, the controller will
illuminate the red “fault” indication light and display
a fault code in the format. The alarm output will
also be activated. Most fault conditions will also
cause the boiler pump to run in an attempt to cool
the unit.
2. Note the fault text and refer to the XFyre Fault Text
section for an explanation of the fault along with
several suggestions for corrective actions.
3. Press the ESC/RESET key to clear the fault and
resume operation. Be sure to observe the opera-
tion of the unit for a period of time to ensure
correct operation and no reoccurrence of fault
To Turn Off Gas To Appliance
1. Shut off manual gas valve field installed near gas
inlet connection on back of boiler.
2. Set the thermostat to lowest setting.
3. Turn off all electrical power to the appliance if serv-
ice is to be performed.