For the same reason stated for Cold Water Starts, it is even more important to provide protection against condensation
from cold inlet water on systems where the return water temperature to the boiler will always be below the acceptable
minimum. Raypak’s Cold Water Run system utilizes a variable-speed pump to inject just the right amount of water
from the main system loop into the boiler to maintain the optimum inlet temperature. This approach allows the full
capacity of the boiler to be utilized to meet the system load, while at the same time continuously maintaining the opti-
mum inlet water temperature to prevent condensation.
Raypak’s Cold Water Run system:
• Continuously monitors and adjusts inlet water temperature to prevent condensation
• Regulates minimum inlet water temperature regardless of system temperature
• Shuts down boiler if the minimum inlet water temperature is not achieved
• Protects boiler from constant low return water temperatures with its proprietary self-tuning controller
• Utilizes variable-speed injector pump to control boiler loop temperature
• Activates alarm if shutdown occurs (option)
• Pool Heating
• Low-temperature Industrial Process
• Very Low-temperature Return Water
(e.g. convalescent hospital domestic
hot water)