10 ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide
1.5 Using the SmartPilot with sail boats
Using the SmartPilot to automatically tack (AutoTack)
The SmartPilot has a built in automatic tack facility (AutoTack) that turns the
boat through 100° in the required direction. If you have set the vessel type to
SAIL BOAT, you can adjust the default AutoTack angle in User Calibration (see
page 23).
• to AutoTack to port: press the -1 and -10 keys together
• to AutoTack to starboard: press the +1 and +10 keys together
When making major course changes, the trim on the boat may change
substantially. Due to this, the SmartPilot may take some time to settle
accurately onto the new course.
How do I prevent accidental gybes?
Note: For the gybe inhibit feature to work, the SmartPilot needs suitable
wind information (see page 24).
The gybe inhibit feature stops the boat from performing an AutoTack away
from the wind – this will prevent accidental gybes. This feature can be dis-
abled if required.
With gybe inhibit on:
• you will be able to perform an AutoTack into the wind
• to prevent accidental gybes, the autopilot will prevent the boat from
performing an AutoTack away from the wind
AutoTack - Starboard
AutoTack - Port