Chapter 2: Using the Tiller Pilot 13
2 Using the Tiller Pilot
To switch back to AutoSeastate, press -1 and +1 again.
Note: The autopilot reverts to Automatic Deadband Control each
time you select Standby mode.
Operating hints – trim changes
Only make major course changes when steering MANUALLY.
This ensures that the boat will safely clear any obstructions or
other boats, and you can take into account the changed wind and
sea conditions on the new heading before engaging the autopilot.
Large course changes which change the apparent wind direction can
produce large trim changes. When a sudden trim change occurs (for
example due to weather helm or sail imbalance) there will be a delay
of up to one minute before the automatic trim applies rudder to restore
the locked heading.
In these situations, the autopilot will not immediately assume the new
automatic heading, and will only settle onto course when the
automatic trim has been fully established. To minimize this problem,
use the following procedure to make major course changes:
1. Note the required new heading.
2. Press
standby, remove the pushrod from the tiller pin, and steer
3. Bring boat onto the new heading and fit the pushrod back onto the
tiller pin.
4. Press
auto and let the boat settle on course.
5. Bring your boat onto the final course in 1° steps using
-1 or +1.
81130_3.book Page 13 Wednesday, July 25, 2001 11:57 AM