Carry out the following preparatory steps when starting pump operation for the first time after installation
or after a long suspension of the pump operation.
1. Confirm that all liquid connectors along the liquid piping system are fastened tightly.
2. Confirm that the valves on the suction and discharge piping (if applicable) are fully opened.
3. Confirm that the tank or bath has been filled with liquid. Allow the liquid to fill the entire piping
4. Confirm that the filter has been properly wetted. Follow the description in the filter instruction manual.
5. For initial installation start-up, a trial run using DI water is recommended. Confirm that no abnormal
condition exists before starting the practical operation of the pump and system.
6.1 Operation procedure
Following is a description of the operation and adjustment of the pump using the AC-1 controller. (For
pump operation using the FD-1, or SC-1 type controller, refer to the instruction manual of the selected
6.1.2 Pump start-up
1. Supply air to the pump by opening the supply valve. Adjust the air supply regulator to 14 PSI.
2. Turn on the power switch of the controller. The pump will start operation and the blue Operation
indicator LED on the controller will start flashing.
3. Adjustment of pump speed and flow rate is ideally achieved by regulating the air volume supply to the
pump via a bleed valve. Pump speed may also be adjusted by the air pressure regulator. Never exceed
maximum settings for the specific pump model.
6.1.3 Pump stopping
1. Turn off the power switch of the controller.
The pump will stop operation and the 'Operation' indicator LED will go out.
2. Make sure the discharge side valve, if applicable, is open upon stopping the pump.
CAUTION! Do not close the discharge side valve to stop the pump.
3. Make sure the system does not allow residual pressure to remain on the discharge piping upon the
stopping of the pump.